Common problems with waterborne wood lacquer: swelling of waterborne paint film
  • 2020-02-29 17:36:39
  • admin

water based mood paint

Phenomenon :

Part of the water-based paint film from the primer uplift, which contains gas or liquid, showed uneven distribution.


1.When the water-based paint is applied, the dry water-based paint film is exposed to rain.

2.Apply a water-based paint primer to the wet substrate.

3.Water - based paint film is affected by acid - base and heat.


1.Considering the gas phase conditions, the water-based paint film is completely dried and then re-constructed.

2.Substrate drying and surface treatment should be strictly implemented

3.Choose to accord with the conditions of use of good chemical resistance and good heat resistance of water paint varieties.

For more water based paint details, please visit the official website of sinograce chemical.

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