How to choose water-based gravure ink resin
  • 2024-03-20 17:53:45
  • admin
The resins that can be used for water-based gravure inks are acrylic resin, polyurethane resin, alkyd resin, etc. Each resin has different characteristics and application occasions, and needs to be selected according to the actual situation.
First, water-based gravure ink overview
Water-based gravure ink is an environmentally friendly ink, compared with traditional ink, its volatility is small, non-toxic and tasteless, non-flammable, with good printing effect and color stability, and in line with indoor air quality standards, in line with environmental requirements. Therefore, water-based gravure ink has been widely used.
Second, the resin selection of water-based gravure ink
Scattered droplets will break into various shapes due to different forces, but if the droplets are continuously sprayed into the same place, they can form relatively regular columns. If you use a YAG laser and divide the matrix, you can draw this columnar array when you cover the picture.
Second, commonly used resin selection
1.Acrylic resin
Acrylic resin has the advantages of high transparency, good weather resistance, excellent chemical properties, fast curing speed and strong film forming ability. The ratio of acrylic resin to other water-based resins can achieve different effects. Acrylic resin is suitable for printing paper, strip, film and other materials.
2.Polyurethane resin
Polyurethane resin has good abrasion resistance, adhesion, scratch resistance and excellent printing effect. The transparency of polyurethane resin is good, even if it is printed with different color background materials, it can still accurately restore the primary color.
3.Alkyd resin
Alkyd resin is a versatile resin with excellent adhesion and gloss. The ratio of alkyd resin and other resins can achieve different printing effects. Alkyd resin is mainly suitable for printing patterns and text products.
Third, the choice of resin
Each resin has different characteristics and application occasions, it is necessary to choose the appropriate resin according to the actual situation. At the same time, manufacturers can also combine and select according to product requirements to get better printing results and production benefits.
In summary, the choice of water-based gravure ink resin has an important impact on the printing effect and environmental protection requirements. Manufacturers should choose resins according to the characteristics and needs of their own products to achieve better printing results and production benefits.
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