the correct use of water-based glue in winter


Water-based glue, when the autumn and winter season, special attention should be paid to anti-freezing treatment, according to different temperatures, the implementation of different solutions.


(1) Pay attention to warmth and anti-freezing when transporting glue: when transporting below 0℃, pay attention to the warmth of the vehicle, and transport below -5℃ is prohibited;

(2) Keep warm and anti-freeze when glue is stored: keep warm after glue goes to the warehouse. The storage temperature of glue should be controlled at more than 5℃ to prevent ventilation and loss of temperature in the warehouse. Low temperature will destroy the adhesive performance of glue;

(3) Winter glue precautions: customers should pay attention to the construction operation, in order to ensure the best adhesive performance of the glue, very low use temperature must be above 5℃, to ensure product quality;

(4) If the glue storage temperature does not reach more than 5℃, it will appear: the viscosity of the glue rises, it is difficult to brush, the glue is frozen and can not be used;

(5) If the glue is frozen and the specimen is not broken, the drying speed of the glue is slow, and the pressure time will be 3-4 times higher than the original time, which will lead to the quality problems of the finished products of the customers;

(6) If the Water Based Adhesive can be used normally after freezing, it can be slowly softened to liquid in the room temperature environment. Usually the glue can withstand the limit of three thaws. Therefore, the glue should be kept in a warm environment in winter to avoid freezing.

Professional personnel must confirm whether the thawed device can be used properly.

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