Characteristics of wood matrix and its effect on coatings
  • 2020-02-21 15:43:18
  • admin

To master waterborne wood coatings and coatings, you must be familiar with the characteristics of wood. In this way, we can find the root cause of the problem in the painting process and make the necessary preventive and treatment measures.

Wood is a natural fiber material, seen from the cross section of the trunk, it is a uniform material composed of layers of different materials, with many textures and holes in the middle. The trunk consists of the outer bark, the pith in the center, and the turning of the wood in between.The outer frame of the bark is soft, the center of the pulp is loose, and the middle part of the wood is hard. The wood part is the main part of the trunk, and the wood we use is the wooden part of the trunk. The material part is mainly composed of wood fiber and a middle duct. The duct is a tree used to transport water and inorganic salts: the wooden surface of the tree has many concentric circles called the annual rings.Because trees grow at different rates from spring, summer, autumn and winter, their texture varies. On the cross section of the trunk, from the loose pith in the central part of the tree to the outer bark of the tree, there are strips of radial radiation lines, called pith rays. These pith and pith rays are composed of slab-wall cells, with a relatively loose texture.

According to the varieties of trees, Kimura can be divided into hardwood and softwood. Coniferous trees are soft cork, such as pine, fir, etc., used in construction: broad-leaved trees are strong. Hard texture is hardwood, such as teak, walnut, ash, etc., can be used for furniture and tools. Hard wood has a tight texture and is not easy to expand and contract. However, there are also small holes in the structure. It needs to be added with a putty or a hole-filling agent during the coating process.

Sinograce chemical produces waterborne wood paint coating, as well as top and bottom coatings, and chemical additives.

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